Andy Miller III

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Andy Miller

Andy Miller III

Preacher, Writer, and Podcaster with orthodox Wesleyan convictions

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Methodism’s American History with Kevin Watson

July 18

Methodism’s American History with Kevin Watson

GMC, AME, AMEZ, UMC, Church of the Nazarene, the Wesleyan Church, and the Salvation Army are all a part of the same pan-Wesleyan family. Dr. Kevin Watson details the history of that...

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By Signs and Wonders with Stephen Elliott

July 11

By Signs and Wonders with Stephen Elliott

In By Signs and Wonders: How the Holy Spirit Grows the Church, Steve Elliott takes a close look at evangelism. How did the Good News of Jesus Christ spread in the years following Je...

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Andy Miller and Family

Dr. Andy Miller III serves as President and Professor of Preaching and Theology at Wesley Biblical Seminary. He’s a preacher, podcaster, and author. Andy has degrees from Asbury University, Asbury Seminary, and Southern Methodist University. He and his wife, Abby, have three kids: Andy IV, Titus, and Georgia. His podcast, More to the Story, has more than half a million downloads and views.

Copyright ©2024 Andrew S. Miller III
